My name is Simon! And Simon Says Cook!
Hi Guys!
From a very young age, my mom would always have me help out in the kitchen. From measuring out cups of flour while baking, to peeling carrots and cutting onions while cooking, she could always find things for me to do in the kitchen. Over the years, this time spent in the kitchen has manifested itself into a passion for cooking! I found that not only could I cook the things I wanted to, but the simple act of preparing a meal became very soothing for me.
Even today, I start most mornings making three scrambled eggs. No music, no TV, just me in the kitchen with my thoughts as I start my day.
My dad has always been interested in cameras and lens, so being around photography eventually led me to save up my money to buy my first digital camera when I was 12 years old. Since then, I’ve always enjoyed taking pictures of everything. As I got older, I continually upgraded my camera, but never found a theme I particularly liked. Recently, I found that theme: food photography!
This blog is a combination of two of my favorite hobbies: cooking and photography. All the food has been cooked and photographed by me.
Disclaimer: I will always cite and link the original source of particular recipes at the top of my recipe.