How we use cookies

How do we use cookies at Immediate Media?

Updated: October 11, 2020

We want to be transparent about the cookies we place and what they are used for, so you can best exercise control over them. You can consult our Privacy Policy for more information and manage your cookies settings by clicking on the cookies button on the applicable website.

We use cookies to provide you with a better experience on our website.  We do this by making our website secure and convenient for you to use, and by showing you relevant and interesting content and advertising.

We also use cookies to deliver the following services on our digital platforms:

  • To record what people like and don’t like on the website and the popularity of different sections of the website so that we can ensure it works properly at points of high usage;

  • To collect, measure and analyze statistical information about website traffic and use; and

  • To select and deliver advertising that is interesting and relevant to you

We also need to drop a cookie to record your permission for us to use cookies on our digital platforms.