Vietnamese Caramel Chicken

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Serves 4

Adapted from 177 Milk Street

  • ¼ cup sugar

  • 4 tablespoons coconut water, divided (if you don’t have coconut water, plain water is also fine)

  • 3 tablespoons fish sauce

  • 1 Fresno chili pepper, thinly sliced into rings

  • 1 serrano chili pepper, thinly sliced into rings

  • 1 stalk lemongrass, bruised (rim outer layers and use only the bottom 5-6 inches)

  • 1-2 tablespoon fresh ginger, minced

  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper

  • 1½  - 2 pounds chicken thighs, cut into ½-pieces

  • Juice from ½ lime

  • 2-3 green onions, for garnish

  • Rice, for serving

  1. In a large skillet, at least 12 inches, combine the sugar and 2 tablespoons coconut water. Mix together and turn the stove on medium-high heat. Stir occasionally to help the sugar dissolve. Let it simmer until the caramel is mahogany in color and smokes lightly, about 5-7 minutes.

  2. Remove the pan from the heat and add the fish sauce and the remaining 2 tablespoons of coconut water. After adding the fish sauce and coconut water, the mixture will bubble vigorously and the caramel will harden in spots. You want to make sure you add the fish sauce and remaining coconut water quickly or else the caramel may continue to cook and can potentially turn bitter, meaning you’ll need to start over. Once those liquids have been added, the temperature of the caramel will drop, meaning any remaining sugar won’t continue to caramelize and potentially turn bitter. You’ll know if your caramel has turned as it will no longer smell sweet, but instead will be replaced with a burnt smell.

  3. Bring the caramel and fish sauce mixture to a simmer over medium heat. Cook and stir until the hardened bits have dissolved. Add both types of chilies, lemongrass, ginger, and black pepper and cook for 30 seconds, until fragrant, stirring constantly.

  4. Increase the heat to medium high heat and stir in the chicken. Let the mixture come to a simmer and let the mixture cook, stirring occasionally, until the sauce reduces and clings to the chicken, about 10 – 15 minutes.

  5. Once the chicken is fully cooked, remove the skillet from the heat and discard the lemongrass. Stir in the lemon juice. Serve over rice and garnish with green onions.

  6. Enjoy!


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